Our Pigs

Duroc, White Large

We raise two main types of breeds, namely: duroc and large white pigs. We raise our pigs from birth to market, and feed them food which is free from hormones, predominately plant-based diet consisting primarily of corn and soybeans. Our feed also include rice bran, oyster shells and fish meal to balance dietary requirements for each stage of growth.

The pigs are born in a birthing barn, where each sow (mother pig) has individual quarters to birth her piglets and to adequately provide nourishment for her young. At around three weeks of age, the pigs are weaned from the sow and placed in a nursery with other piglets their age.

After outgrowing the nursery, the pigs take a ride to the growing barn, where they are happy to roam their pens and eat freely until they reach market weight. Our pigs are raised healthy and free: unconfined, with plenty of room to roam, and access to sun and fresh air. Pigs being raised in a natural habitat, where they can forage, directly impacts the quality -both flavor and nutrition -of the pork produced.
If you are interested in purchasing a pig for barbecue or butchering, please contact Amos at +233 245 698 288.